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Hello Blender

Lets use the Web UI to run a simple Blender job. We will

  1. Find a node with available resources and run Blender 3.1
  2. Utilize all resources rendering Sample Deer (
  3. Approve the wallet deposit
  4. View the logs
  5. Download our render

Launching Blender

  1. Click Rendering->Blender
  2. Blender job automatically uses all available resources.
    Set Source URL to the sample deer
    Set Samples to 1000
    Set Width to 3840
    Set Height to 1920
    (0.6658) is our credit cost per hour
    1hr is our maximum duration
    Press Blend!
  3. Approve the wallet deposit. (Enable popups)
  4. 📜 For logs. ❌ to cancel
  5. View render by clicking download then extracting the zip

Moving Forward

Try to render your own .blend file now!